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Click on links to go to additions and changes. Classifieds and Monthly Photo pages are updated nearly every day.

29/12/2008 - Winners -  November 2008 Monthly photo competition.

27/8/2008 - Winners -  August 2008 Monthly photo competition.

23/8/2008 - Winners -  July2008 Monthly photo competition.

9/8/2008 - Added Currant Catahoulas to the breeders page.

27/7/2008 - Winners -  June 2008 Monthly photo competition.

26/6/2008 - Winners -  May 2008 Monthly photo competition.

25/5/2008 - Winners - April 2008 Monthly photo competition.

17/4/2008 - Winners - March Monthly photo competition.

20/3/2008 - Winners - February Monthly photo competition.

22/2/2008 - Winners - January Monthly photo competition.

14/12/2007 - Winners - November Monthly photo competition.

24/11/2007 - Added Jon-Di Taxidermy Advert

24/10/2007 - Winners - October Monthly photo competition.

7/10/2007 - Winners - September Monthly photo competition.

6/10/2007 - Added Pig Dog Supplies Advert

23/9/2007 - Added Bull Arab Breeder Brian Neal

28/7/2007 - Winners - June Monthly photo competition.

10/05/2007 A great idea and simple - Dog watering system while hunting

01/03/2007 F1 crosses - Pure Breed to Pure Breed (my Experiences)

01/03/2007 Finders - The ultimate Pig Dog



© Copyright © 1998-2013 by Ian Colley