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 The Boardogs Forum and chat room have been closed.

I apologise to all who enjoyed their daily visits to the forum, it was a great place to learn, meet fellow hunters and even arrange some hunts together. A lot of people have made some great friends, filled in a lot of hours 'cyberhunting' and above all made it a good place to have a yarn, in the end there were just under 5,000 forum members, worldwide.

I would like to thank everyone who helped make it the great forum it was, a special thanks to the moderators, Brett, Mark and Wayne who gave up their time to try and keep it respectable, so not only the hunters of the family but all members of the family could enjoy a hunting forum.

The main site and the classifieds are still operational, updates to classifieds are still a daily occurrence, there are still plenty of pups, working dogs, equipment etc available.

Click HERE to have a look at the classifieds.

Click HERE to view testimonials from previous advertisers.




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